June 06 Board Meeting

Published by admin on

Meeting Opens

  • Review of agenda, confirmation that all are here and ready to begin.

TOPIC 1: Financials- Brian Kirk

  • Sent a second reminder for dues payment- at $2,800 of dues revenue. Targeting $3,100

TOPIC 2: Trash

  • Trash- What are we going to do?
  • Was some interest- not enough to move the whole community
  • Need to provide an update on inputs and conclusions (Post to Facebook)
  • Provide common trash providers in the area
  • CONCLUSION: no further action

TOPIC 3: Dues payment

  • Have received a handful of additional payments. We are still short of our $3,100 yearly goal
  • ACTION: Brian to send third notice by end of June
  • ACTION: Rob to look at list and identify those who haven’t paid so we can reach out personally to encourage dues payment
  • ACTION: Brian will update list based on recent receipts
  • ACTION: Brett and Rob to collaborate and determine a membership drive path forward

TOPIC 4: Comms web- all good

  • New website to be launched in June
  • Need to coordinate with the ACC to make sure they have their functionality integrated
  • Once site launches, new mail server will be in place for communications

TOPIC 5: How to respond when asked to distribute Political messaging

  • CONCLUSION: No political comms to the neighborhood

TOPIC 6: Evergreen POA 9 hole annual golf tournament

  • Does the EPOA want to support this effort this year? Yes-
  • While we want to support, we would like to include more participation from the neighborhood. Suggest starting a social committee who could run this and other events.
  • EPOA will contribute $500 towards this event as the “Fall Meeting”

TOPIC 7: Stemming from the above- Social committee? Have flagship events?

  • Who is interested in running a social committee?
  • Would encourage additional community participation
  • Ask the community for interest
  • Will post to Facebook as well as petition via email comms

TOPIC 8: Mill Creek EPOA street adoption

  • Apparently the EPOA has adopted Mill Creek
  • What does this mean? Requirements?
  • ACTION: Ask Martha about this

TOPIC 9: Summer Meeting Picnic

  • The Board would like to sponsor a Picnic as our Summer Meeting event
  • Make this another items for the to-be formed social committee

TOPIC 10: Street signs are crooked through the neighborhood

  • ACTION: Brett will call county

TOPIC 11: Working with ACC

  • Willie attended as ACC representative
  • Intro with willie
  • ACTION: Rob to send out the results of the acc elections

ACC Ideas and Goals:

  • What is the ACC Request Process?
    • Submit notice
    • ACC walks the property with the homeowner
  • Maintain a list of open requests on the website
  • New owners to be greeted!
  • Would a welcome committee work for this?
  • ACTION: Rob to ask Marilyn Brennan for closing reports
  • ACTION: Would Martha be interested in managing Welcome Committee?
Categories: Board Meeting