November 07 Board Meeting
Meeting Opens
- Review of agenda, confirmation that all are here and ready to begin.
- Attending: Rob, Brett, Angela, Martha, Brian, Doug Faulk
TOPIC 1: ACC- Doug Faulk
- No regular meetings seem to be taking place for the ACC
- The BOD expressed concerns regarding transparency between the EPOA, the ACC and the neighborhood
- How does the ACC work currently? Can we work together a bit more closely so that we have visibility into what’s happening?
- SEND EMAIL TO ACC: re Berkeley House with shingle issue on roof for follow up.
TOPIC 2: Old Business
- Approved minutes of October approved.
TOPIC 3: Treasurer Report
- Not a ton of activity in October
- Received 3 checks this last month
- Spent only $4 last month.
- Currently our EPOA account is at $3,969
- YTD $3,100 collected in dues.. equal to 2018.
- When will POA bills go out?
TOPIC 4: Couples Classic Update
- Rob and Mary putting together a gift bag
- Rob has the High Gross Trophy- who has the “Low Net” trophy scavenger hunt? SEND EMAIL- EPOA is missing the Low Net Trophy- contact Rob
- Agenda- Golf, Social, Rob is going to say a few words re
TOPIC 2: Annual Meeting
- Make the meeting – Sunday feb 9th- 5pm. Rob to check with Evergreen CC
- Angela to start putting this together.
TOPIC 5: Communications?
- Yes to send out info re Christmas market
- BRETT to post on fb page