October 8th EPOA Board Meeting

Published by admin on

Meeting Opens

  • Call to order, 6:35p – Angela

TOPIC 1: Finance Update

  • Brian provided an update on finances

TOPIC 2: ACC Update

  • No updates from the ACC this month

TOPIC 3: Other Topics

  • Last month, board members discussed possibly coordinating a food truck in the neighborhood.
    • Brian talked to Brian D. about using the club parking lot on Mondays when they are closed.  Brian was open to using the club parking lot, as long as the truck(s) have a valid insurance certificate.
    • Next steps: board members will each reach out to a food truck vendor to gauge interest.
  • Last month, board members discussed the idea of creating a neighborhood business directory of homeowners who run their own businesses.
    • Angela included information in the monthly newsletter.
    • We had positive responses.
    • Next steps:  Angela will create a page on the Facebook group page, which is password protected, and will add the information from the businesses that have responded.
  • Neighborhood trash cleanup
    • We received a request from Peggy Pence seeking volunteers to participate in a VDOT street cleanup effort.
    • Angela will create a Facebook post to announce the event and seek volunteers.
  • Marilyn brought up the topic of having a jewelry appraiser come to the neighborhood to perform updated appraisals for homeowners, like a “group buy”.
    • Next steps:  Marilyn will create a Facebook post to gauge interest.

Meeting closed at 7:12 PM

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