The Evergreen Farms Architectural Control Committee (ACC) exists to enforce the neighborhood covenants to which all Property Owners must adhere. There are three different sets of covenants that apply to the three sections of our community.
Property Owners must receive approval from the ACC before beginning any exterior improvement projects or enhancement. These may include things such as shed installations, additions, patios/decks, fences, and other exterior modifications. If you have any questions regarding the covenants, or if you have a concern about a potential covenant violation, please contact the committee members listed below.
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request poa docs for buyers
Are you a Realtor working with a potential new Evergreen neighbor? Click here to for POA docs needed for closing.
submit acc proposal
Making changes to your property? Connect with the ACC early in your project for smooth sailing. Click here to submit an ACC proposal.
Click on individual submissions to view more detail.
The ACC contacted Glenn Pearson, Deputy Director, Operations and Maintenance at PWCSA. Via email, Glenn responded with:
“There is a multi-year project to maintain the well system that provides water to Bull Run Mountain and Evergreen. Details on that project can be found here: The equipment on Hunton is a complementary function to the well maintenance project, and was installed to regulate water pressure between customers on the mountain and customers in Evergreen. More specifically, this device ensures that water pressure in Evergreen stays below a high-pressure setpoint, thereby preventing damage to plumbing systems to Evergreen customers.
This is a permanent installation, and by design, the equipment is located in VDOT right-of-way and VDOT dictates what is and is not permitted in their ROW. VDOT required that PWCSA install the system at grade and install the reflective devices to address driver safety along the road. According to PWCSA, they are limited by VDOT in what they can do to make it look better, and they currently have no plans to do so.”
Update on 2/23/22: After the public information session on 2/23/22, Glenn reached back out to the ACC and they offered to paint the large stainless steel panel a color/pattern of our choice.
ACC reviewed the application and approved.
ACC reviewed the application and approved.
ACC approved the application.
ACC guidelines for playgrounds has been consistent in the past about placing the playground in a location that is not visible from the street. The property owner agreed to construct a smaller version of the playground now, and then plant screening trees/shrubs in the Spring.
ACC member met with the property owner and provided information on submitting an application for a shed.
Approved for removing and replanting trees; ACC requested a separate application for the building of a utility yard.
The ACC is working with EPOA Legal Counsel to resolve this matter.
The ACC reviewed the pictures and plans, and approved the application.
The ACC reviewed the pictures and plans, and approved the application.
The ACC reviewed the pictures and plans, and approved the application.
A neighbor contacted the ACC about several piles of wood stacked on the lot. The ACC contacted the homeowner about removing the wood piles. The homeowner requested additional time, as they received a lot of rain recently and a contractor could not access the lot. An extension was granted and will be monitored.
The homeowner constructed a gazebo on their driveway next to the garage. The ACC met with homeowner, and the homeowner agreed to move the gazebo out by the pool.
A homeowner contacted the ACC about a parked RV on the property. ACC contacted the property owner, and they agreed to move the RV off the property.
A neighbor contacted the ACC about tall grass in the easement between the property and the street. The ACC contacted the homeowner, and the homeowner cut the grass.
ACC reviewed the application, pictures and plans, and approved the application.
ACC met with the homeowners, obtained additional plan details, and approved the application.
Property owner wanted to install an 18×18 inch sign on their property at the golf course boundary to separate private property from golf course. ACC approved a small “Private Property” sign with a link to Amazon to purchase.
The ACC reviewed the plans and found them to be within covenants.
The following email was sent: “Your application is approved. Good luck with the build.”
The ACC reviewed the plans and found them to be within covenants. With no objection the following approval email was sent:
Your fence plan meets the covenant requirements, so your plan is approved. Let us know if you have any questions.
The requirements for pool barriers are specified in Prince William County Code. I found the attached PDF.
ISPSC is the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code. You can find their code for barriers here:
A split rail fence with inside mesh wiring is an approved barrier according to the code, as long as the fence is 48″ tall and the mesh is small enough where you cannot pass a 4″ ball through it. There are also requirements for gates, where they can only be unlocked from the inside.
For ACC approval, just pick a fence design and then let us know the specifications.
Site visit scheduled for Saturday, November 7th @ 8:30 AM 11/04/20
Application Approved.
Site visit scheduled for Saturday, November 7th @ 8:30 AM 11/04/20
Plans approved
The ACC notified the homeowner via the phone about the violation. The sign was removed. 11/01/2020
On behalf of the ACC, thank you for submitting your Architectural Change Request Application (#2020-013, attached) for expanding your existing enclosed area inside your boundary line by removing portions of the existing fence and reusing and/or installing new fencing of the same style and material. The ACC has reviewed your application and has Approved the application as submitted. Good luck with your project. Regards, ACC 08/26/2020
The ACC has not yet notified the homeowners of the reported violation. We will attempt to contact them by 7/14/202
The ACC notified the homeowner via the phone about the violation. At the owners request, the ACC also sent a letter via email. The signs were removed. 07/16/2020Rob and Brett made an in person visit to the Gonzales’ home on 6/15 to introduce ourselves and make him aware of the Covenants and the role of the ACC. We specifically made Nic aware of the Covenant that prohibits the discharge of firearms within Evergreen Farms. He understand. We left with the impression that he would obey the Covenants and stop discharging firearms on his property.
From the ACC’s perspective this issue is resolved unless and until another violation is reported.
On behalf of the ACC, thank you for submitting your Architectural Change Request Application (#2020-009, attached) for the construction/installation of a new shed. The ACC has reviewed your application and has Approved it as documented with the following condition(s):
- Condition 1: The new shed will be located toward the end of the homeowners’ driveway by the pool fence.
- Condition 2. The primary access door for the shed will face the driveway / garage.
- Condition 3: Homeowners’ will plant alongside the side of the new shed that faces Berkeley Drive to eventually screen the shed from the road.
Good luck with your project. The extra storage space will be very nice! Please let us know if we can be of any assistance.
On behalf of the ACC, thank you for submitting your Architectural Change Request Application (#2020-008, attached) for removing the two Holly trees from the front of your house. The ACC has reviewed your application and has Approved it as documented in the attached application.
Good luck with your project. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance.
On behalf of the ACC, thank you for submitting your Architectural Change Request Application (#2020-007, attached) for updating your front door portico. The ACC has reviewed your application and has Approved it as documented in the attached application.
Good luck with your project. It looks fantastic. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance.
On behalf of the ACC, thank you for submitting your Architectural Change Request Application (#2020-006, attached) for Landscape Enhancements to include lighting, gutter drain extensions, replacing an old mulch bed with sod/grass, removing river rock, planting perennials & annuals, and creating raised beds around existing trees. The ACC has reviewed your application and has Approved it as documented in the attached application.
Good luck with your project. It sounds amazing. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance.
We received and reviewed your new Architectural Change Request application for a new house to be located at 3257 Mountain Road (2020-005, attached). Since your original application (2020-002), you have been very helpful in getting us the information we requested. We appreciate the information you shared with us on our conference call on March 31, 2020. We also received a copy of a contract document from you on April 1, 2020 in our individual mailboxes with a note stating “Please don’t distribute”. We see that this document was subsequently recorded with Prince William County on April 3, 2020 and is now part of public record.
You have provided us with all the information and history that we need to make a final determination on your application. We do not need anything else from you. As such, the ACC voted unanimously to reject your application(s) for the new house.
To be clear, the ACC does not support any subdivision in the neighborhood, including yours. We understand that you believe your subdivision was done through proper legal channels. We are of the opinion that any subdivision violates the covenants that were put in place to protect our neighborhood. This is the reason that we are rejecting your application.
Installation of a 12×12 Garden using treated lumber to frame it. The vegetable garden will be enclosed with 36″ tall poultry wire. It will be placed in an open area to the right of the residence.
On behalf of the ACC, thank you for submitting your application for a 12’ x 12’ garden to be located at the right of your home (3514 Delashmutt Dr). The ACC has reviewed your application and has decided to Approve it with the following Condition(s):
- Condition 1: No fencing to be installed/erected around the garden without approval from the ACC. Since your application did not include a fence, we hope this won’t present any problems with your project. If you do intend to install a fence now, or in the future, we request that you submit a new application to the ACC with the relevant details.
Thank you for submitting your application to the ACC for the construction of a new house at 3257 Mountain Rd. At this time, we are not able to approve your application. The primary reason is insufficient information in your application. You may or may not be aware that there is a clause in the Covenants referenced on your original deed that states “No purchaser of a lot in this Subdivision shall be allowed to subdivide a lot so as to provide a greater number of smaller lots.” The ACC seeks to understand the history of your lot, specifically the recent subdivide, before approving any projects on the referenced lot.
The ACC met with homeowners onsite on 2/20/2020 to review their proposed project. During the review, the homeowners informed us that they are changing the plans based on feedback from A&E and contractors. We informed them that we would reject this submittal and they should resubmit updated plans to the ACC as a new application when they are ready. Sent an email on 2/21/2020 to homeowners documenting the conversation and the decision.
Homeowners installed a fence without ACC approval. Neighbors inquired about it conforming to neighborhood standards and our Covenants.The fence has been painted according to approved plans. 07/13/2020
Evergreen I Covenants
Properties on Mill Creek Road, Berkeley, Delashmutt Drive, Woolman, and Quarters Lane.