August 01 Board Meeting
Meeting Opens
- Review of agenda, confirmation that all are here and ready to begin.
TOPIC 1: Old Business
- Minutes approved from last meeting
- No report from ACC, hoping they come next time.
- Review of Brian’s Treasury report- Rob to ask Brian re: $749 on winter meeting allocation? Is this his reimbursement? [Yes]
- Chris needs to give available dates for golf meeting –
- Discussion re: should we have meetings? to give information?
- Angela to look at mail metrics in terms of who is opening what re: emails
- What’s our deductible on our insurance policy? this will help us know how much we have available to spend.
- Brian- can we get a copy of our insurance policy in DropBox?
- $3,000 cushion- $500 quarterly for events
- Brian- put together a high-level budget for 36 months- with built in events and cushion
- Host a mid-summer meeting at Rob or Brett’s house? For news and updates.
- Jerole has agreed to run social committee and has 3 people to work with.
- Mock up a newsletter
- Oct meeting for golf
- Summer meeting—at Robs house? get date—
- Goal- Newsletter delivered by end of aug.
- Drive membership through driving community cohesion and connectivity
- ACC no report-
- Brett create a form of information that we need from the ACC.
- Create ACC distro with forwarding from websites- also set up forwarding for board. [complete]
- Part of welcome gift- from Brian (Evergreen CC) 100- dinner cert
- Brett motioned via interpretive dance that only EPOA members get to be in fb group. Martha seconded.
- Real estate report- remove names when sold
TOPIC 2: EPOA Welcoming Committee
- Rob and Brett to drive
- When new neighbor moves in, Rob/Brett to visit with small plant/gift and a copy of the welcome packet for the EPOA
- Angela to draft out the EPOA Welcome Packet to be given to both realtors prior to closing, as well as to new neighbors for their reference
- Dues should be sent to: EPOA c/o Brian Kirk, EPOA Treasurer; 3514 Woolman Drive, Haymarket, VA 20169. Checks payable to EPOA.
TOPIC 3: Social Committee
- Martha to reach out to Jerole to determine level of interest in leading social committee- Jerole is excited about this and has 3 members to help.