October BOD Meeting

Meeting Opens Call to order, 6:07p – Attendees: Doug Falk, Marilyn Brennan, Brian Kirk, Anita Olsen & Martha Prokop (ACC member).  Absent: Chad Waldrop TOPIC 1: General Discussions September Meet & Greet held on the Club’s patio was deemed a success. Approximately 25 in attendance Publishing an EPOA Membership Directory Read more…

May BOD Meeting

Meeting Opens Call to order 6:00 PM. Attendees included: Chad Waldrop, Brian Kirk, Anita Olsen, and Doug Falk.  ACC Updates April was an active month for the ACC. The committee has successfully resolved several long standing violations and begun action on new inquiries. With spring well underway, the ACC completed Read more…

April BOD Meeting

Meeting Opens Call to order 6:00 PM ACC Updates Much of the April 7th Board meeting focused on ACC updates. Spring-time applications have increased and the enforcement of covenant violations have required significant time and energy. The ACC is working to bring multiple properties into compliance, some more willingly than Read more…