January BOD Meeting
Meeting Opens
Call to order 6:30 PM
TOPIC 1: General Discussions
Brian Kirk provided the December financial report. The EPOA account is in good standing and bills are paid up to date. Calendar year 2022 EPOA dues are beginning to be collected, and the account has $4300 moving forward.
Congratulations to Chad and Elizabeth Waldrop for winning the annual holiday lights contest! He has donated his winnings back to the EPOA for future use as needed.
Next monthly meeting of the Board is scheduled for Thursday February 3rd..
TOPIC2: Annual Meeting
The Board began discussing the details for the Annual Meeting. The Tentative date is February 27, 2022. At this time, we are planning to meet in person in the Berkeley Room at the Club at 4:00 pm. If necessary due to Covid restrictions, we will move this to a virtual Zoom meeting.
Doug provided the ACC report and asked the board’s input on three pending proposals. Martha and Chad, ACC members, were also present at the Board meeting. Discussion of the three proposals will be followed up on by ACC and returned to the Board for further discussion at February’s meeting.
Meeting closed at 8:00 PM