July 6 BOD Meeting

Meeting Opens
- Call to order, 6:08p –
NOTE: This board meeting was rescheduled from Thursday, 1 July to Tuesday, 6 July, due to the Fourth of July holiday.
TOPIC 1: General Discussions
- Discussion of duties
- delegating one person to update the website?
- demo on how to update website needs to be reviewed
- minutes of the meetings posted to our Facebook page or continue to use the newsletter?
- EPOA directory needs updating
- delegating one person to update the website?
- Brian submitted the July Financial Report
- ACC reported on application requests
- discussion – the need for a plan to refresh covenant awareness to the Evergreen Property Owners
- suggested an email be sent
- have hard copies of covenants available at Sunday’s Meet & Greet
- decision to seek legal counsel for guidance on interpretation and enforcement of covenants
- discussion to follow up with Verizon on unburied orange cable along streets
- discussion – the need for a plan to refresh covenant awareness to the Evergreen Property Owners
TOPIC 2: Activities for the Summer
- Meet & Greet scheduled for Sunday, 11 July 2021 in Delashmutt Dr. cul-de-sac from 4-6PM
- Marilyn will invite new neighbors to the event & have a few hard copies of the covenants on hand
- Martha will provide name tag stickers
- one table under a canopy will be set up
- name tags available
- index cards available for members to provide updated directory information
Meeting closed at 7:40 PM