November 4 BOD Meeting

Published by MBrennan on

Meeting Opens

  • Call to order 6:30 PM

TOPIC 1: General Discussions

  • Marilyn opened by commenting on the obvious success of the Oktoberfest hosted by three of the neighborhood men. Lance Thom, Chad Waldrop & Doug Falk.  It was suggested it be an annual event.

  • In addition to providing the monthly ACC report, the three ACC members present discussed the blanket mailing that was sent out to all homes in Evergreen Farm to remind homeowners of their responsibility to adhere to the covenants by highlighting a general overview of common violations. Violations will be reviewed in early December.

  • A large number of dump trucks on Hunton Lane has been brought to our attention.  The Board is looking into it and the PWC Police have been contacted.

  • Brian submitted the monthly financial report and discussed some foreseeable expenses.

TOPIC 2: Activities for the holidays

  • Holiday Home Decorating Contest will be an activity again this year.  Voting will take place in December and there will be a 1st & 2nd place. Further information will be on the Facebook page.

  • Holiday Open House – December 18, see link in newsletter for additional information.

Meeting closed at 7:55 PM

Categories: Board Meeting