October 03 Board Meeting
Brian Kirk, Brett Thompson, Angela Bryant, Jerole Stambach, Maryanne Boyd, Valerie High, Martha Prokop
Meeting Opens
- Review of agenda, confirmation that all are here and ready to begin.
TOPIC 1: Old Business
- Approved minutes of Sept approved.
TOPIC 2: Social Committee
- BOD made things confusing for the Social Committee (SC)
- Welcome SC to each meeting to provide us an update on what’s going on.
- Spoke on what resources they have available to them- web, FB, mail.
- Is there any budget left? Yes- $500 per quarter. Have $500 for Q4 and another $500 for Q1.
- Wasn’t there extra money for a Summer Picnic? Yes but the BOD decided to put that into the kitty for next year.
- SC couldn’t see the budget, can we make this more obvious? ABM to investigate.
- Suggested to make social dedicated $ more of a percentage instead of dollar amount.
- The events should be open to all members whether they pay or not.
- Do the homes at the Hunton Extension part of the EPOA?
- Discussion between SC and BOD re roles, and responsibilities.
- ACTION ITEM: Determine liaison, Is Martha the liaison.
- No Halloween party- too late
- Tavern on the Evergreen- Discussion.. YES, BOD LOVES.
- Parade of homes- for Christmas. Discussion
- Progressive Dinner for May.
- Identify which 4 events will have the budgeted money from the EPOA.
TOPIC 3: Treasurer Report
- Sent via email.
- Additional 3 member payments
- Can be paid by credit card
- ABM needs to get her invoice in! ACTION ITEM
TOPIC 4: Welcome Committee
- Brett provided update electronically
TOPIC 5: Communications?
- All good here-
- Concerns about how the ACC is operating as BOD doesn’t have any insights- Requiring more transparency.
- If you’re going to make a change to your exterior, it needs to go through the ACC
- We haven’t heard from the ACC in a bit.
- How can we better support the ACC for further transparency?